TF polymer technology for soil stabilisation, dust control, polymer roads, erosion control & environmentally friendly upgrade of sub-base material
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Welcome to Terrafirma Website – Cost Effective Solutions… Tomorrows Technology for Todays World!

TerraFirma is regional leader in the field of polymers for soil stabilisation, sand migration, dust control polymer roads and environmentally friendly protection from sand migration in the Middle East. Established 2012, TerraFirma uses specially developed polymer technologies to preserve the regions assets.

No matter what the challenge,
No matter the environment,
all the solutions one step ahead
available here in the GCC with TerraFirma

Delivering Sustainable Solutions to our clients regionally in terms of proving innovative solutions for:


TF-1000 is the more economical version for areas where lighter duty applications do not call for a premium solution. Including dust suppression, sand protection in less aggressive areas and projects requiring wider stabilisation of the surrounding sand and borders of industrial or rail applications. For more demanding environments we recommend the use of TF-2000 polymer technology.


TF-2000 is our premium product for sand stabilisation, road and railway protection. Formulated with the GCC climate in mind and approved by the Saudi Ministry of Transportation. TF-2000 polymer technology concentrate is available in 1000Litre IBC’s for easy application on smaller projects and for areas with difficult access such as solar farms and around buildings. For larger projects such as railway lines and pipeline sand stabilisation bulk ISO tanker deliveries are available making this an economical choice for road and rail protection as well as larger civil engineering projects.


TF-5000 Road building polymer is the product of choice in the GCC for UNESCO and numerous high-profile projects in the region. With a track record of 5 years plus in service, TF-5000 provides the ideal solution to many of the regions road building challenges including polymer roads for newly settled areas, mining and skid roads, road shoulder erosion, car parks and upgrading poor sub base material from a CBR which is less than satisfactory to 100% giving improved performance and reduced environmental impact.

Polymer Technology

TerraFirma are regional leaders in the use of Polymers for Soil & Sand Stabilisation, providing Eco-Friendly and economical solutions for a variety of applications.




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